Program - How to Live Intentionally
Live in alignment with your heart, body & soul
Integrated embodiment program in a welcoming community
How to Live Intentionally is your invitation to live in alignment with your heart, body and soul. Making decisions and taking aligned actions from your instincts and intuition, and bringing clarity to your entire being.
This is your opportunity to create and connect with your values through your body, develop clear boundaries, dissolve old armours, create new spaces for expansion, and embody your Courage & Vulnerability to take actions that instinctually and intuitively feel aligned.
Benefits - What you will experience
Clarity in your values – feel what is important to you
Freedom in your body – releasing your body from contorting and pretzel-ing into others’ expectations
Healthy Boundaries – embodying your yes to yourself
Courage & Vulnerability – having clearer access to these qualities to take aligned actions
Body, Mind & Heart integration - so that all parts of you are on the same team
Nervous system regulation - strengthen your resilience bandwidth and allow your body to guide you to your homeostasis, or balance
Learn to create safety in your body
Real connection in a welcoming community
Tools & Inspirations Jean use in your experiences
Biodanza “Dance of Life”
Somatic practices
Practices to develop your courage and vulnerability muscles
Eye gazing
Courage & Transformation coaching
About Jean
Jean is a Courage & Transformation Coach, Biodanza Facilitator, Maven of Change, and Life Alchemist.
She guides and supports humans to connect with their deepest desires and through connecting with their Courage & Vulnerability, live in alignment with their instincts and intuition. Her work is guided by somatic practices, Biodanza “Dance of Life”, personal growth techniques, relationship practices, Argentinian Tango, and martial arts.
Her unique blend of 17 years of corporate experience together with her deep curiosity for the improvement of humanity through life coaching and facilitation is experienced in the sacred spaces that she holds.
Jean has the capacity to guide participants through their transformative journeys by inviting them to their growth edges in a gentle and inviting way. Using bottom-up and top-down approaches, Jean invites her participants to their transformational journeys through body and somatic practices and as well as coaching techniques to create a uniquely integrated experience.
What Participants say
Nathan - Workshop Participant
“Jean is an enthusiastic and passionate individual who is keen to help others discover their strengths. I would recommend getting involved in her workshops, there may be a few things you can learn to gain new perspectives on approaching life.”
Amy - Biodanza Participant & Spinal Flow Practitioner
“I so value the time I have spent with Jean in her Biodanza Sessions as it has brought me to another level of being good in my own body. Jean has a deep understanding of mind and body and how we can use both to process through our lives.
She knows through her own lived experiences, and from truly seeing others, how to bring more life force into people's lives and shares the joy in seeing them grow, expand and thrive.”
David - Coaching Client
“…Working with Jean has supported me to being more decisive and clearer in my actions and my behaviours are more aligned with my values. My friends see the real me and have witnessed my confidence grow. My colleagues appreciate my decisiveness as I step into leadership. I give myself permission to act and I am a safe harbour for my Queen. Jean, thank you for your help - it’s been really beneficial. I am ready for love!”
Fatima - Biodanza Participant
“Biodanza brings me joy, fun, freedom of movement, connection with others, creating community, and shared love. Jean, I love your gentleness and determination. I also love your explanations/education and the growth/transformation that you foster without us even noticing it.”
What you need to know
The Sessions
You will be guided and invited into movement through a diverse range of music, experiences to support you in your own explorations, and journalling/sharing spaces to integrate your mind with your body and heart in a welcoming group container.
Everything is an invitation
What to wear and bring
Cushions and blankets are available - and you are welcome to bring your own.
Wear comfortable clothing and dance barefoot if this is available to you. Bring a fresh change of clothes if it’s been a long day.
Water bottle
Journal and pen
Curiosity :-)
Biodanza / Movement / Personal Growth Experience
This is a program that is designed for both experienced practitioners and for those who want a deeper experience and exploration into their movement / Biodanza / somatic / personal growth journey. If you’re not sure, contact Jean.
Invitations can be tailored to your level of growth and experience. Everything is an invitation.
This unique program has 3 entry points, or ‘open session’. Open sessions are open to all adults, and closed sessions (series of 3-4 sessions) enable progression, deepening of experience, and creates the group container for their journey together - new and experienced practitioners are welcome.
Open Session 1: Thursday 6 February
Closed Series 1: Thursday 13, 20, 27 February, 6 March
Open Session 2: Thursday 13 March
Closed Series 2: Thursday 20, 27 March, 3 April
Open Session 3 (Biodanza with special guest): Thursday 10 April
Day & Time
Thursday 7pm - 9pm
Fleming Park Hall, 102 Victoria St, Brunswick East
Open Session: $15
Series 1 (4 sessions): $127
Series 2 (3 sessions): $97
Program (10 sessions): $237
(plus transaction fee when booked online via credit card. Cash and bank transfer options available at no fee)
I look forward to guiding you to your intentionally living!
With love, Jean xx