Workshop - From Pretzel to Openness

Move from Contorting to Expanding into your Power

1 Day Biodanza & Embodiment Workshop

Do you…

  • Find yourself contorting and twisting yourself to fit into someone else’s box?

  • Shrink to fit in?

  • Hide parts of you in order to be loved or liked?

What if there’s another way?

Imagine the breath of life entering you, fills you up, and expands into every part of your being that is desiring to be seen, heard and felt.

Imagine that with each step you take, you walk the earth as the Queen or King that you truly are. Whether that be in a cafe, the boardroom, or on a date.

Imagine how through this, you accept who you are and feel at ease being *you*

The Invitation

  • Is life inviting you to live more in alignment with yourself?

  • Do you feel the calling to embrace your power and presence?

  • Are you desiring to feel more of you?

Connect with your inner guidance and un-tangle from other’s expectations. Draw strength from your instinctual wisdom and expand into your own power to own and embrace YOU.

Guided by Jean Sum - accredited Biodanza Facilitator, Courage & Transformation Coach, you are invited to this 1 day workshop where you will dive into your personal journey of growth and expansion through movement, dance, and embodiment practices in a welcoming community.

What you need to know

The Sessions

You will be guided into dances through a powerful and diverse range of music where you be invited to expand into your inner strength and power. This is a movement and embodiment workshop where words are not spoken, but sensations are felt to spark the transformations that are desiring to be felt.

Everything is an invitation

What to wear and bring

Cushions and blankets are available - and you are welcome to bring your own.

Wear comfortable clothing and dance barefoot if this is available to you. Bring a fresh change of clothes if needed.

Water bottle, lunch

Curiosity :-)


Lunch is not provided, and you are invited to bring something to share, or you may wish to spend time with yourself. Several cafes and CERES are within walking distance.

Biodanza / Dance experience

It is recommended that you come to 1 or few Biodanza sessions before the workshop, and the following Biodanza session (Thursday 13 June) to support you in your integration.

Investment - sliding scale offering - choose one that suits your circumstances

  • Standard: $107

  • Supported: $67 (if resources are challenging in this moment, and you need extra support)

  • Share the Love: $147 (contribution towards Supported places)

Questions? Contact Jean

Terms & Conditions