Rest, Ease, Pleasure during the holiday season

It's a cool December Melbourne day and it's quiet. I’ve been clearing my cupboards and keeping what I love or definitely use - not a 'just in case'. While I've only been in this house for a few months, I have accumulated. My old friend - scarcity mindset - had revisited, and as a result, I realise that I'm not trusting life as much as I would like to... so I'm going to share my abundance with Facebook give/receive groups.

Christmas/New Year highlights the good and the ugly. Consumerism is heightened, and we hit the shops/internet in droves. (I too did this). It also brings communities and families together (we just came back from time with family).

This time of year brings a mix of feelings for many. On the surface, we see happy photos of gatherings or holidays. But in reality, this time also brings a lot of stress on finances, relationships, or amplifying loss and loneliness. Having loathed Christmas at one stage of my life, I try to bring gentleness and strip down assumptions - I just don't know others’ stories are.

My Invitation to you

So while there are the sales, new year intentions, and happy snaps, I have some suggestions to support you through this time:

  • Give yourself some slack with keeping up with expectations - whether they are your own or others.

  • Give yourself permission to feel the vulnerability of your feels - be curious, and allowing what needs to surface to be. Know that there's nothing you need to do to change it.

  • Take time out - go for a walk, put some headphones on, or turn off devices, eat less and let your system rest.

  • Switch off the sales, and see what's in your home that can be gifted or let go of.

  • Allow your creativity to flow - whether it be an art project, cooking or fixing something - creativity stimulates us in healthy and pleasurable ways.

  • Play music - here's my Pleasure playlist for you

  • Dance - here's one of my mix tape to drop into yourself.

  • Come to Biodanza - Free Taster - 18 January 2024!

Jean Sum

Jean Jing Yin Sum is an award-winning Courage & Transformation Coach, accredited Biodanza Facilitator, Maven of Change, Speaker, and powerful Space Holder. She supports women and men to embody their courage and drop into their amazing transformations.

Celebrated as Trainee Coach of the Year with Beautiful You Coaching Academy, Jean serves her community with love, courage and presence.

Jean has an insatiable curiosity for humanity and brings a holistic approach to her work through meditation, movement and energy practices.


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