The Dragon Awakens

The Dragon Awakens

Her anger lies dormant under the surface of her fluidity of water

Like the dragon laying its head in its cave

When a pebble disturbs the surface of the water,

She stirs.

Pebble after pebble, the water starts creating ripples

Until waves are formed.

Her anger rumbles from its slumber

As the dragon stirs and feels the agitation of being unceremoniously awakened

Another pebble

Then a rock

Then a boulder

The water tries to keep calm by shape shifting



She is fluid



But her anger - the fire is being stoked

As her boundaries get tested and tried

Her water is keeping the peace

Crying wells of tears. 

It is not enough

To keep her fire extinguished.

Eventually, her anger ruptures into a fireball

The dragon stands fully - chest facing the disguised intruder

She stares at the rocks around her

Her heckles stand straight

Wings outstretched

Fire is breathed out!

From her nostrils

Her wings

Her tail

Her eyes ablaze

Red. Hot. Fire.

Burning everything around her

Burning the tests of her boundaries

Burning the confusion

Burning her personal doubts

Burning her fears of rejection

Burning her pain

Burning a ring of fire all around her

Until the entire forest is alight

With her burning anger

Her Fire.

That was never extinguished.

She collapses

From her exhaustion of her untamed, rising fire

And she cries

Her tears, turning into rivers

Filling the valleys where the fire burned

Then there was light

Plain white light

For the first time

She sees clarity

Everything is still

She sees the test of boundaries for what they are

Realising she ignored her own boundaries

For fear of rejection

For fear of stepping on eggshells

For fear of losing love

She’d shape-shifted 

And shifted too far

Losing herself in the process

She lost trust in the other

But in fact,

She lost trust in herself

This was the pain that lived inside her for days.

She didn’t trust her intuition

She didn’t trust her feelings in the moment

Only to catch up with her later.

She brings compassion to herself

And soothes her battle scars

She brings love to her pain

She kisses them gently, lovingly

Like she would with her best friend

And sees her wisdom in her growth

Of bringing awareness to her actions

Earlier than she’d done before.

The Dragon Awakens

Jean Sum

Jean Jing Yin Sum is an award-winning Courage & Transformation Coach, accredited Biodanza Facilitator, Maven of Change, Speaker, and powerful Space Holder. She supports women and men to embody their courage and drop into their amazing transformations.

Celebrated as Trainee Coach of the Year with Beautiful You Coaching Academy, Jean serves her community with love, courage and presence.

Jean has an insatiable curiosity for humanity and brings a holistic approach to her work through meditation, movement and energy practices.


Underneath the Pretzel