From Chief of Staff to Digital Nomad
I had fantasies in my 30s of being a digital nomad.
I enjoyed being a Chief of Staff and Partnerships Executive creating and managing relationships across the NFP, corporate and education sectors and advising CEOs, Vice-Chancellor and Senior Execs. I loved the creativity and projects, and also worked much longer hours than what’s best aligned for my body/Human Design type.
Working 9-5 was hard on my body. My body works best when inspiration meets my energy cycles, and for the most part, I need pure rest. I also craved to live a life where I decide when to work/play/holiday. So I asked...
What if I could create freedom in my life?
When I turned 40 last year, I packed my car and took a trip out of my comfort zone and travelled 2,000km north. No agenda, no goal.
Accommodation was in short supply and out of my budget. Through my panic and tears, I soon learned there were other means to finding a roof over my head - by exchanging work! I started working on properties and farms - weeding, mowing, making garden beds, bug management, you name it.
It was a game changer.
Realising that I could live life in a different way, and turning so much of what I’d been conditioned to believe on its head - find a great career, earn money, buy house etc.
I decided to continue to explore what this means for me, through house sits and staying with strangers/friends/family. Building a digital sanctuary to create a sense of home. Using movement and dance to connect with my body and daily practices to ground myself each day.