Manifest your Dream Life into Reality
If you can wave a magic wand, what would you have in your life right now?
You have Hermione’s wand and with a wave, presto! Your Dream Life is right in front of you. Actually, you are the Star!
Remember as a child, your imagination allowed you to be so many things — astronaut, teacher, superhero? Your imagination ran wild and you would take kitchen bowl — put it on your head and walked around Mars? Or you’d pick up a tennis racquet and pretended you were playing Michael Chang?
What if we could do this, now? What if our Dreams became our Reality?
Read on.
Dreams and thoughts have the power to become reality.
Scenario 1 - you miss your alarm, and your children refuse to eat their breakfast. You think “crap, I’m off to a bad start”. Just as you manage to drop them off at school on time, you run towards the bus stop, only to see your bus off. And as you think your day couldn’t be any worse, someone walks past and spills their coffee all over your white skirt. And oh, you have that important client meeting at 10am…
Scenario 2 - you’re on your morning walk, and someone gives you a big smile. Your heart opens and you feel warm and fuzzy. The thought of a friend you haven’t seen in a long time suddenly comes into your mind and your phone buzzes — you smile as this same friend texts you. You walk into your favourite cafe, and the lovely barista gives you a bonus muffin with your chai. Life’s goooood.
Do you see how both of these days unfolded? Your emotions and feelings started to attract the kind of day you want to have. Even if you didn’t want to have coffee spilt on you, your thoughts were already directing the Universe’s energy towards the unpleasantness.
So how do you create your dream life?
Let’s dive in.
Visualisation is incredibly powerful. When we visualise, not only do we see our dreams and vision, we can feel, taste, see and touch our dreams.
Try this:
Close your eyes. You are on a big open space, the sun is shining, you feel the warmth on your skin. There is a gentle breeze and you can smell the fresh morning air, a hint of roses in the distance. You start to walk and you feel the lush green grass under your feet. As you walk, you see a mist in front of you. As you step closer, you notice that you can’t see much beyond it. It is a magical mist — it can turn into any thing, any shape, landscape, people, colour, flavour that you desire. All it needs is for you to see and feel this. It could be a new home, job, travel, or a hobby. It can also be a feeling — is it love, fun, abundance, or flow? Whatever it is you wish to feel, it is yours to create. And when you feel it, watch the mist transform around you, into something that you wish to live and create.
You have a few moments — allow and surrender — see what emerges. Don’t try to force or think through it.
I now invite you to take in these feelings and imagery. Knowing that it is now in your cells and body. And slowly turn around, walking back the way you came, through the mist, on the soft green grass, in the sun and feeling the gentle breeze and back into the open space.
When you are ready, open your eyes and return to the space you are in.
Woman looking into the open field at sunrise, Photo by Jean Sum
2. Feeling your Dreams
Feelings are core to connecting with your Dreams. Feelings allow you to connect with your future, and gives you your why when the going gets hard. For example, your desire to create your dream home would be a stronger anchor than aiming to save $50k for a house deposit. Feelings and emotions allow you to anchor your desires.
3. Take small steps
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your dreams aren’t likely to either. When I was 35, I dreamed of being with a man who is in his healthy masculine, dedicated to his personal growth we co-create a sacred union. I worked tirelessly for 4 years to unravel and deepen my inner-standing of what it means to be a woman and the polarity between women and men. I energetically called him in, and at 40yo, I met a man who is incredibly devoted to his personal growth, to us and to co-creating our future.
Jean dancing in red dress amongst the reeds. Photo by Vicky Palmieri
4. Inner Yes, Inner Decision
When the going gets tough, and you get lost in your own (unhelpful) thoughts. Having your inner decision, your inner yes helps to anchor your why. Making the inner conviction and decision to manifest and pursue these dreams helps to anchor your strategy, goals and actions. Perhaps you wish to draw, use clay, paint or create an art piece that reminds you of your why.
Everything starts with a Dream. Our thoughts, dreams, and desires are the building blocks of our reality. Visualising our dreams, feeling into them, and taking small steps can move us towards making these dreams a reality. Give these fun and practical tips a try and manifest your dreams into your reality.
I believe that every human is capable of manifesting their dreams.
Actually, I know every human is capable of this.
Jean Jing Yin Sum
What dreams do you desire to manifest? I’d love to know! Let’s explore this journey together and unleash true potential through tapping into your power!
I believe in you.
With love,