Self-care for Spaceholders

As spaceholders, coaches, facilitators, teachers, guides, we have a desire to create safe spaces for others to unwind, unravel, and to grow. It can come from a deep desire to support and guide others to help them reach their potential, to heal, to create community, or from a deep desire to be a leader, role model, or wanting to be seen as a <<insert title>>. Perhaps we entered these spaces or roles as we have found solace and connection as a participant, student, client, or community member, and knowing the profound impact these spaces have for our own growth and wellbeing. Perhaps it grew from a frustration of the lack of spaces that are tailored for these desires and longings so we create these spaces for ourselves and others.

However, as we grow and evolve to become spaceholders, opportunities for us to be held can decrease. For example, you might be the only individual offering a particular service, or you might be located in a small town where offerings are limited. Or due to human differences, you don’t feel safe to be in others’ containers. As a leader, life can sometimes get lonely, thinking you have to have your shit together all the time.

The truth is, we are humans. Humans crave connection and community. Humans have flaws. We may just have accumulated a few different tools and ways to helps us through different challenges.

The more I grow as a Coach, Biodanza Facilitator, Circle Host, the more I find I need to create the support systems to nourish and encourage me to grow. I also need spaces where a mirror shows me my own shadows and areas of growth and possibility. Otherwise, how can I hold this for others? How can I be trusted by my participants, clients and community?


My strategies for nourishment and self care are evolving, however here are some suggestions and strategies for spaceholders:

  • Find or continue to work with a coach or a coaching container to improve your skills. For me, it’s my Intimacy Oasis container where my coach guides and supports us.

  • Join similar offerings to allow you to continue to be in contact with your passions. For me, finding other conscious dance spaces or personal growth opportunities.

  • Continue other passions and loves that feed your body and soul. For me, it’s Argentinian Tango, crafts, and cooking.

  • Build a network of fellow spaceholders/coaches/facilitators. For me, it’s Biodanza Facilitators and other spaceholders.

  • Find ways of expression. For me, I write to help me continue to process and deepen my learnings of Biodanza and life coaching.

  • Take regular me-time such as baths, earthing your feet, or rest

I’d love to hear how you look after yourself. Tell me -

What are your self-care strategies as a Spaceholder?

Jean Sum

Jean Jing Yin Sum is an award-winning Courage & Transformation Coach, accredited Biodanza Facilitator, Maven of Change, Speaker, and powerful Space Holder. She supports women and men to embody their courage and drop into their amazing transformations.

Celebrated as Trainee Coach of the Year with Beautiful You Coaching Academy, Jean serves her community with love, courage and presence.

Jean has an insatiable curiosity for humanity and brings a holistic approach to her work through meditation, movement and energy practices.


Finding Balance through Connections


Connecting with our Vitality