What does Courage feel like?

Think of a time when you are busy. Incredibly busy. Deadlines are looming, children calling for your attention, elderly parents needing help with their appointments, and on top of all that, you start to get the itch at the back of your throat...

You can't afford to stop. But you know you'll hit a brick wall if you don't. And hard.

And stopping is exactly what is needed. Taking the time to allow things to maybe fall and to rest in the discomfort of not having everything under control. To prioritise your self care and self love, to bring your system back into health.

Or this: you have been dating a wonderful person - the dates have been going well. Your feelings for this soul is growing and you feel a special connection with them. Your heart is feeling opened by this person, in a way you have never felt before. 

That evening, after you have ordered at your new favourite restaurant. You take a deep breath, take their hand, look them in the eyes and slowly say the words… “I Love You”.

You don’t know what their response might be, but you followed that instinct in your heart to tell them so.


This, my friend, is Courage. The Courage to prioritise yourself and to bring self care and love. The Courage to express how you feel to this special soul who is opening your heart like no one else has. 

  • Is your heart beating quickly?

  • Does it feel edgy?

  • Is your mind trying to stop you?

Do you feel the overpowering knowing that this is EXACTLY what is needed, or what you so deeply need to say?

Great! You’re on track. Let‘s explore why.

Why is it important to feel your Courage?

Courage comes from the latin word Cor, or Heart. It doesn’t come from our brilliant minds. Courage often comes from an inner knowing that an action needs to be taken — whether it be quitting a job, declaring your love, or moving to a new city. A feeling from within that is urging you to take action. 

Your head will find all sorts of ways to stop you. Knowing that its role is to protect you will support you. Acknowledge your mind for their role, check in again with you heart and body, and if it still feels right,

Then you know you are onto something good. 

This is why it’s important to feel your courage — in your heart, body and inner knowing that action needs to be taken. 

So coming back to our 2 scenarios…

  • Listen to your body when it tells you to rest — take the courageous step to rest. The world can wait.

  • Listen to your heart when it has an undeniable urge to declare its love. It’s most likely to be right. (which part of your body does love come from anyway??)

THIS my friend, is how Courage feels. The courage to be vulnerable. The shakiness and the inner knowing.

This is your Courage in action.

How do you feel your Courage?

Jean Sum

Jean Jing Yin Sum is an award-winning Courage & Transformation Coach, accredited Biodanza Facilitator, Maven of Change, Speaker, and powerful Space Holder. She supports women and men to embody their courage and drop into their amazing transformations.

Celebrated as Trainee Coach of the Year with Beautiful You Coaching Academy, Jean serves her community with love, courage and presence.

Jean has an insatiable curiosity for humanity and brings a holistic approach to her work through meditation, movement and energy practices.


Manifesting our Dream Life


Finding magic in vulnerability