Meeting our Vulnerability before Manifesting

When we desire something really badly, we go through an 'I wish, I wish, I wish' moment - like a child who wants Christmas to come sooner and they kneel by the bed, squeeze their eyes and wish like there's no tomorrow.

And often, what we desire can also be hidden in what we fear the most.

Like, what if it *really* happened? Then what?

Feeling this block or fear is so important to our growth. Sometimes it's hidden and we don't even realise that on the other side, it's what we desire. It feels uncomfortable, we often want to run away, or give it another name, like "I don't want xyz, because it's not really me".

And you know, the more we push something away, the more it wants to tell us a message. A bit like a bad smell in the wardrobe. The smelly socks are telling you that it wants out!

Unless we open the door and look inside, it will be there.

And what the dirty socks are desiring is for it to be given love - to be taken out, washed, aired and folded.

Sometimes opening that door is the hardest part. To be vulnerable enough to look inside. And it can be the *key* to seeing, feeling what is desiring to be seen, acknowledged and possibly cleared.

So that you can see what's on the other side.

The desire to have clean socks.

How are you allowing your vulnerability to be seen?

Jean Sum

Jean Jing Yin Sum is an award-winning Courage & Transformation Coach, accredited Biodanza Facilitator, Maven of Change, Speaker, and powerful Space Holder. She supports women and men to embody their courage and drop into their amazing transformations.

Celebrated as Trainee Coach of the Year with Beautiful You Coaching Academy, Jean serves her community with love, courage and presence.

Jean has an insatiable curiosity for humanity and brings a holistic approach to her work through meditation, movement and energy practices.


Personal Growth, Lion and the Wardrobe


Busting the Good Asian Daughter Myth