Personal Growth, Lion and the Wardrobe

Personal growth is a funny beast. A bit like Narnia where you step into the wardrobe - you're not sure what you'll find on the other side.

Sometimes it's a lion that has been sleeping for years, hidden away, until given the opportunity to Express and be Seen.

Sometimes it's the sun after a storm that has cleared the debris and is now shining a light on both the gems and the hidden.

Sometimes it's a wardrobe of clothes that no longer fit nor feel good, and we take each item to feel, reflect and send it along its next journey.

Personal growth is not easy, but it's so worthwhile. To dive into the wardrobe and pick up different pieces to examine, reflect and decide to keep, alter, or allow it to move on takes Courage.

To awaken our inner Lion and allow it to show itself to us takes Vulnerability

To allow the Sun to shine a light on our hidden gems and shadows takes Courage and Love

To try on clothes and feel the discomfort of ill-fits or garish colours takes Patience

And when the inner Lion shows us the wisdom held within us, and expresses out into the world, it Empowers us.

When the Sun allows our gifts to shine bright, it aligns us to our Purpose

When we find clothes that fit and colours that suit us, we feel more Confident

Personal Growth is a journey filled with adventures, curiosity, pain, relief, and joy. It enables us to live more fulfilled lives. To supports us to make wiser decisions for our long term wellbeing.

What is your personal growth journey like?

Jean Sum

Jean Jing Yin Sum is an award-winning Courage & Transformation Coach, accredited Biodanza Facilitator, Maven of Change, Speaker, and powerful Space Holder. She supports women and men to embody their courage and drop into their amazing transformations.

Celebrated as Trainee Coach of the Year with Beautiful You Coaching Academy, Jean serves her community with love, courage and presence.

Jean has an insatiable curiosity for humanity and brings a holistic approach to her work through meditation, movement and energy practices.


Myth Busting - "I can’t"


Meeting our Vulnerability before Manifesting