32yo Jean : Queen of my own time

I look out at the old city of Valletta, Malta on the last day of our holiday and savour every last moment. It had been a beautiful 6 weeks in Europe - tasting delicious morsels of food, walking through vineyards, attending my first fashion show, watching my first football match, abseiling down a cathedral, devouring crusty Maltese bread everyday...

I had just finished texting a friend, lamenting how I wish I didn't have to go back to work.

Her: "So what would you like to do instead?"
Me: "Dance, travel, create - whenever my heart calls me, not when someone gives me permission to"
Her: "So why don't you?"

I made excuses and closed the chat. Her words swirling around in my head - "So why don't you?"

I have no real reason but to pay off our mortgage by 40 so we can be free. An ambitious task meaning no holidays for 8 years. I feel my heart and tummy clench.

This isn't how I want to live.

Not my heart, not my body, not my soul. My mind, maybe.


So as we travel home, I begin to brain and heart storm what being the Queen of my own time means:

* I am not answerable to anyone as to how I spend my time.
* I am not answerable to anyone as to what I do for pleasure
* I want to be queen of my own time and energy.

As I settle back home, I return to the routine, but the fire in my belly has been lit. I begin to work intensively with my coach around how life can look like.

I use the tools that I know how - largely leading with my mind - what are my skills, experiences, strengths. What do I love doing at work, in my own spare time? I pick out my favourite art supplies and start writing, brainstorming. I can feel the excitement in me build up.

But there is a persistent voice "how will you make money?" and it keeps pulling me back. I attend an entrepreneur's workshop and I am blown away by others' experience. I feel small again... I start to brainstorm ideas - like running a business to organise beautiful stationery for parents at the start of a school year or creating bespoke and personalised travel plans...

9 years later, I am now Queen of my own time. I coach beautiful souls to live life on their terms and to support them to embrace and embody their courage. I hold Asian Women Rising - a monthly circle to share and connect.

I am appreciated for my energy and expertise on other fun jobs - choosing when I work, and using my previous corporate skills in sponsorship, relationship management and communication. Not only am I dancing, I'm also teaching Biodanza - the "Dance of Life" that changed my life 9 years ago.

I am manifesting my DREAM.

It is possible to live life on your terms.

To live your Dream Life.

Jean Sum

Jean Jing Yin Sum is an award-winning Courage & Transformation Coach, accredited Biodanza Facilitator, Maven of Change, Speaker, and powerful Space Holder. She supports women and men to embody their courage and drop into their amazing transformations.

Celebrated as Trainee Coach of the Year with Beautiful You Coaching Academy, Jean serves her community with love, courage and presence.

Jean has an insatiable curiosity for humanity and brings a holistic approach to her work through meditation, movement and energy practices.


This Asian-Australian Digital Nomad


Different faces of courage