Professional Burnout
My clients loved me. My colleagues and staff loved me - because they knew I managed them fairly, though I demanded extremely high standards of them and myself.
And that's where the problem was.
I love space holding
I LOVE space holding. It's one of my superpowers as a circle host, transformational life coach and facilitator.
What does space holding even mean?
What is the future for Asian-Australian Women?
I see a group that is rising from behind the sidelines. It is perhaps a part of the movement that I am seeing globally.
Dear 25 year old Jean
Dear 25 yo Jean - It's 38 yo Jean. How's the life roller coaster going? I know that you can't quite imagine life this far down the road, so I hope to share with you some of my learnings and wisdom to help you embrace your beautiful life..
Proving myself to the world
I learnt very quickly that the higher level positions were dominated by men, and they encompassed qualities such as meeting sales targets, being louder, exerting a sense of authority and decisiveness.
Returning Home to Ourselves
One day, Mother Earth coaxed me out and I climbed into Grandparent Tree by the river and I surrendered into its strong ancient trunk.
Being an Asian-Australian Woman
Growing up in the 80s & 90s in a small city as an Asian-Australian was challenging. From schoolyard bullying to trying to please my Asian parents with good grades.
Tango Lessons – The Embrace (written at start of C-19)
The touch of another hand
The breath of another lung
The beat of another heart
Chaos on the Dance Floor!
It begins here : I am standing in the middle of the packed floor in Buxton Hall.
What does a caterpillar have to do with turning 40?
Caterpillars and I have a lot in common.
Feeling my grief, anger and exhaustion from the Atlanta shootings
I don't know how to write this. It is 1am and I am exhausted. I don't know if my words make sense. But my heart is urging me on.
How I connect with my purpose
Finding my purpose has been a companion for a good part of my life. What does it mean? What does it feel like? Does it mean I'll be happy?