The Dragon Awakens
When her boundaries are tested, the fire within rises and awakens the dragon within.
Underneath the Pretzel
Underneath the pain of contorting and pretzel-ing herself to conform lies her longing for connection and pain of abandonment
“She’s Asian, what would she know about feelings?”
How stereotypes and stories narrow our experience of life and how we can change the narrative.
Courage & Vulnerability - 2 sides of the same coin
Courage & Vulnerability are often found in the same place. Having the awareness of it helps us to demystify these 2 themes.
How Biodanza takes my tango to new levels
How the embodied wisdom of Biodanza helps to improve my tango in creativity, connection, musicality, expression,
Rest, Ease, Pleasure during the holiday season
An invitation to take time out for yourself during a potentially chaotic and stirring holiday season
Finding Balance through Connections
How connection, co-regulation can support us in finding harmony and balance within ourselves.
Self-care for Spaceholders
As spaceholders, coaches, facilitators, leaders - opportunities for us to drop into can decrease the more we create spaces for others. So how can we nourish ourselves and keep our passion alive in the long-term? Here are some strategies to support you and your growth.
Connecting with our Vitality
What is Vitality and why is connecting with it important? In this blog, I’ll share how vitality plays a role in our lives and how we can cultivate it through Biodanza.
My Personal Biodanza experiences post Melbourne lockdowns
Jean’s personal experiences of reconnecting with vitality through Biodanza post Melbourne lockdowns, and her motivations to create community through Biodanza
Why “Be Fearless” is misleading
“Being Fearless” has become a popular catch cry. But fear is one of our core emotions. I’ll share why it’s important to feel our fear and how we can still be courageous and vulnerable.
Courageous Boundaries - Lessons from the Dance Floor
Courageous Boundaries can be fun - practical lessons from the dance floor that can be applied in your everyday.
How Courage & Vulnerability create more conscious and loving relationships
Courage and Vulnerability is often missing in relationships, yet these 2 qualities are important to create more conscious and loving relationships. Here are some ways to bring these into your everyday.
How to keep your dreams alive (and avoid self-sabotage)
A simple strategy to keep making your dreams a reality when life gets tough.
Manifest your Dream Life into Reality
If you waved your magic wand, what would you have in your life right now?
From Chief of Staff to Digital Nomad
Working 9-5 was hard on my body. My body works best when inspiration meets my energy cycles, and for the most part, I need pure rest.
Unleashing the Wild Woman within
Do you hear her calling?
Do you hear the rumblings of the roar that is bursting to come out?
Do you feel the fire in her heart that is growing hotter and wilder?
Call in Your Power
I have spent many years giving away my power to past relationships/lovers, work, projects, friends and family. I sprint, I crash, I fall, I re-energise, and I repeat. It hadn't served me well.